Conoce nuestros planes de salud y bienestar


“The prevention, diagnosis, and the humanization of Health care”, through the healthier alternative, formed by a team transdisciplinary, specialized to diagnose and investigate in a manner integrative multiple pathologies in the area of health and well-being; by means of consultations and therapies, orthodox, biological and holistic.

We create a concept of health focused on integrative medicine, where we put together knowledge of the conventional medicine of the west, with the ancient knowledge of the east, uniting the concepts of the traditional chinese medicine, ayurveda, medicine, ancestral and natural. Working in a team for the benefit of all the people decide to take care of your health preventive, human and friendly to the body and the environment.


  • Nuestros especialistas en neuralterapia utilizan técnicas no invasivas para estimular el sistema nervioso y promover la recuperación funcional en casos de lesiones neurológicas, como accidentes cerebrovasculares o lesiones de la médula espinal.

  • Tienen su origen en oriente y se realizan con fines terapéuticos. Estos procedimientos son ideales para tratar el dolor, el dolor crónico, lesiones y prevenir diversas irregularidades osteoarticulares que, de no ser tratadas, podrían ocasionar graves problemas de salud. Entre nuestras opciones de terapias manuales, destacamos la quiropraxia.

  • Especial énfasis en la prevención del riesgo cardiovascular. Nuestros especialistas trabajan en conjunto con los pacientes para desarrollar exámenes de diagnóstico como el electrocardiograma y bioimpedanciometría, ademas planes de actividad física adaptados a sus necesidades, mejorar la condición física y reducir los factores de riesgo cardiovascular.

  • Nuestros médicos generales están disponibles para atender tus necesidades médicas de manera integral, proporcionando diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de enfermedades comunes, así como orientación para el cuidado preventivo.

  • Powerful preventive tool that serves to reinforce the processes of recovery, this being possible with different homeopathic formulas that have natural properties designed to disappear deficiencies of the body.

  • - In diagnostic tool that reads the operation of different compounds in the body. This is a way to identify deficiencies or excesses in the fluids of the body.

  • Nuestros especialistas en medicina homeopática utilizan enfoques naturales y terapias complementarias para promover el equilibrio y estimular la capacidad de autocuración del cuerpo, brindando un enfoque integral de la salud.

  • Space with health professionals who will go to the root of the problem that to get a full picture of the state of the patient. In this query is provided neural therapy to complement the
    process recommended by the doctor, with respect to the disease found.

  • Contamos con servicios de rehabilitación física que buscan ayudar a nuestros pacientes a recuperarse de lesiones, mejorar su funcionalidad y restaurar su calidad de vida. Nuestro equipo de profesionales capacitados diseña programas personalizados de rehabilitación para abordar diversas afecciones musculoesqueléticas, neurológicas y ortopédicas.

  • El cáncer ginecológico crece desmesuradamente por falta de realización de estudios preventivos oportunos, nuestro sistema de salud se quedó en la época de la citología de hace 50 años, siendo importante su toma pero para el diagnóstico de cáncer ginecológico es incompleto, en nuestro Parque de la Salud realizamos consulta con Médicos especialistas en gineco-oncología, dicha consulta se complementa con la realización de citología, colposcopia, ecografía tras vaginal y ecografía de mama, ésta completísima valoración ginecológica nos ha permitido realizar diagnósticos oportunos de cáncer, cambiando totalmente el pronóstico de vida de nuestras mujeres.

  • Ultrasound is a non-invasive method that does not generate radiation to the body by means of which “is displayed the bodies determining sizes, shapes, and foreign bodies such as stones, its complement are the tests that determine how it is functioning every organ and system in our body. It performs the scan ultrasound of neck genitals watching thyroid, lymph nodes of the neck, breasts, and underarms, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, uterus, ovaries, prostate and testicles, a sonographic diagnosis and preventive support to the query.

  • It is a mixture of ozone and oxygen is obtained from the medical oxygen through a weak electric shock generators (ozonizers), is an oxidizer direct and from there its powerful disinfectant, indirectly reacts with molecular compounds of the body forming products called ozónidos, responsible for the therapeutic effects and biological ozone. It has bactericidal action, viricida and fungicide, metabolic action, a modulator of the oxidative stress, anti-inflammatory effect, analgesic effect, effect, detoxifying, immune regulator, the synthesis of mediators of hormonal; medical ozone is administered in different forms, modes and applications depending on the pathology. Ideal complement of the pain and erectile dysfunction.

  • In this session the Park Of The Health advice provided by a professional with expert Physician and/or Nutritionist, teaching people to consume foods that help to relieve their current illness or simply to have a good health, let's not forget that “we are what we eat”.
    Team medical Doctor Red.

  • It is one of the medical therapies oldest, most common and reliable used all around the world. Professional acupuncture uses very fine needles, sterile, disposable, and are applied on the surface in specific areas of the body in order to help the body's ability to heal itself.

  • Called acupuncture German, acts repolarizando the cells of the body as an informant of the memory cell, in which it is used procaine with baking soda, injected into acupuncture points to stimulate the information from the nervous system and activating the mechanisms of self-defense. It is not a treatment in alternative medicine.

  • Contamos con un servicio de toma de muestras de laboratorio clínico, donde se realizan análisis y pruebas necesarias para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de diversas condiciones de salud.

  • Treatment that uses techniques, instruments, means and procedures to psychological treat, and intervene with various problems that affect people in a greater or less degree in its development and functional life, mental, general or specific, and whose aim is to encourage the resolution of problems and disorders that disturb, bother, or altered, individually or as a group to the person complimented with therapies of clinical hypnosis and therapy of regression.


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