Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red

What healthy eating is possible?

R: yes. That positive response gave it to the professional Juan Esteban Múnera Benavides, a specialist in integrative medicine, when it emerged that questioning in the program Vital Connection, Telecafé, a space created for getting it to your home with the comfort that require to achieve the fullness.

The expert, a graduate of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP), he insisted that you should find the health on good habits, day-to-day and with every one of your actions fortified, talking back it to others.

“Not is to stay away from the disease, generate fear with this. It is to seek the health habits, from when we wake up from our food, sleep, relaxation, physical activity, hydration and the way how we manage our emotions,” mentions.

Múnera specifies that the good food you about health -, food -according to its components - can be used to heal. He, who is diabetic, we aims to make your kitchen a pharmacy to take care of you and yours.

“Don't eat to fill us, we must do it for nurture. The food is much more than that, it is energy”, specifies the expert, that calls to reject, to the extent possible, the food ultraprocesados. These include sausages, canned food, sugar-sweetened beverages.

“There are foods that, although they have a load caloric, does not provide energy. Do not leave act properly the rest of the food. Is that food is energy, but also information. What I like the breakfast, lunch, or dinner, is digested. It is in the colon where they absorb nutrients, which are information which enables or shuts down effects on our body, whether they are negative or positive.”

The order, according to Múnera, will always depend on the food that you consume. The doctor, through the television space, invited to opt for real food, I wish I type organic. Fruit (in its natural form), vegetables (not over cooked), cereals, the most recommended.

“The bacteria that are in the intestine begin to generate the process of using these foods, which are absorbed to enhance beneficial actions,” explained Múnera, about when what is eaten is natural.

What you can get from food, the physician, it is vital for your body. The nutrients you have to cut out inflammatory processes, help your immune system, among other things. Try to lead you to the homeostasis, which is not more than the “self-regulation, which leads to the maintenance of a relative constancy in the composition and the properties of the internal environment of an organism”.

Guide to nutrition

Go to our Parks Health, in Manizales, Dosquebradas, Cali or Anolaima, where you can consult any of the nutritionists who work with the Doctor Red on how to eat the right way. They will do a study of your case and will raise a diet that suits your needs and pocket.

Call us now at fixed (606) 3307104 or cell phones 313 6852026, 310 6271742 and 3105001254. Also the access to the web portal, in which you will find information of the programs in health that we have to provide, at low cost.

Data extracted from Oxford Languages.

Image / Natural Products Doctor Red

4 comments on “Piensa en la alimentación para tu bienestar

  1. Anginey perdomo

    Hola por más q trato de bajar de peso no lo he logrado voy al gym práctico chi kung casi todos los días como sin sal o con poca azúcar solo en el café y aún no bajo de peso estoy pesando 74 y mido 1.63🥴algún consejo???

    1. AdminRojas

      Cordial saludo soy Laura del Parque de la salud, es un gusto para mi ayudarle, puede ser que tu metabolismo no reaccione igual o tienes alguna patologia que demore bajar de peso, seria muy recomendable una asesoría virtual o un consulta presencial para que los profesionales te puedan ayudar o enviar el tratamiento mas adecuado para cualquier información te puedes comunicar a nuestra linea de atención 3132400667

  2. Omaira Vásquez

    Me encantaría todo ésto, por ahora esperar tener el dinero .

    1. AdminRojas

      Cordial saludo soy Laura del Parque de la salud, es un gusto para mi ayudarle, tenemos desde consultas generales que tiene un costo de 140.000 incluyen terapia neural y asesoría nutricional, manejamos envios hasta la puerta de tu casa. Para toda la informacion te puedes comunicar a nuestra linea de atención 3132400667

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