6 October, 2022|
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Think on the power to your well-being:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red Does Eating healthy is possible? A: yes. That positive response gave the professional Juan Esteban Múnera Benavides, a specialist in integrative medicine, when it emerged that questioning in the program Vital Connection, Telecafé, a space created for getting it to your home with the comfort that require to achieve the fullness. The expert, a graduate of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP), he insisted that you should find the health on good habits, day-to-day...

22 September, 2022|
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Health in small sips:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red If you ingest chai tea on a regular basis, your cardiovascular system possibly see benefited, in a timely manner, your heart. This drink originated in the south of India, must not be missing in your diet, as it is ideal to accompany different times of the day. Remember that it is a health small sips. This variety of tea, which is known in its region as masala chai, has different components. Include, among these, black tea, cinnamon,...

16 September, 2022|
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Legumes nourish your heart:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Rojas The richness of protein in legumes is so extensive, that a single article would be insufficient to tell their benefits. Today we will focus on describing, in part, the favors asked of the heart, kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils, typical of a basic food basket. Beans, for example, we find great variety. Cargamanto pink and white, red ball, sabanero, radical, caraota, haze, nima, etc., all with a great taste. These,...

8 September, 2022|
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Coconut oil, avocado and olive, the partners of the heart:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red heart diseases are the first cause of death in the world and in Colombia, according to the World Health Organization. These deaths could be prevented with healthy lifestyle choices, and in what that it is crucial to a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables; and a regular physical activity. In this sense, are fundamental elements that we use in the different formulations and how we use them, that is to say, their quantities. The...

1 September, 2022|
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Let's take care of the heart with the diet!:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red cardiovascular diseases cause, a year, 1.9 million deaths worldwide*. In Colombia, the deaths for this reason they came to the 38 thousand cases in 2019, according to the Dane. The data is surprised, but urge you to take care of the heart. Doctor Red and its professionals, the purpose of the start of September, which is called the Month of the Heart, invite the community to adopt healthy practices that you take care of this important...

24 August, 2022|
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Rejuvenate your systems with the serum:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red “serums are a great therapeutic tool for the management of many diseases, I do not get sick. If everyone in the world to invest in prevention, hospitals today would not be filled with people and doing row, waiting for a doctor to attend and send them a pill drugstore”. The call is Jorge Enrique Rojas Quiceno, a specialist in integrative medicine, which invites to the practice of...

18 August, 2022|
hojas hojas

Take care of your skin with Natural Products Doctor Red:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red skin, as the largest organ of the human body, is an important focus of attention on our way to our well-being. This corresponds to approximately 20% of the body weight and is, without doubt, the first contact with the outside world. On this spoke Yésica Red Cáceres, a chemical engineer, associated Natural Products Doctor Rojas (RUP). Did a broadcast of the program Vital Connection, Telecafé. She shared her knowledge with the doctor...

12 August, 2022|
hojas hojas

Magnesium, an essential trace element crucial:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red magnesium is for our health, a trace mineral essential. That is why it is crucial to enhance the consumption of food products that contain them, which could be consulted with a nutritionist. However, the derivation of three of its salts (citrate, bisglycinate, and chloride) and the union of the same, it is even better for the health. Is that boards will absorb much better than separate. It speaks Yesica Rojas Caceres, a chemical engineer...

2 August, 2022|
hojas hojas

Apuéstale to the natural cosmetics with Selvoria:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red Natural Products Doctor Red now has a new line of facial care with Selvoria, local brand that makes its way into the market, with three cosmetic options that are intended to have a positive impact on the community and the environment. Yésica Red Cáceres, a chemical engineer developer Selvoria, speaks of this new alliance, and the election of care that can be used by both men and women: Mousse for facial cleanser, facial Toner balancing and Gel...

May 27, 2022|
hojas hojas

It heals your inner child!:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Natural Products Doctor Red A wise proverb stresses that what's being done to a child, mark an adult. And it enjoys of truth, as the experiences of the smaller built by people who, in the long run, replicate what they learned in their childhood. The workshop Healing My Inner Child, about which you will read now is on the agenda of the programs of the Parks of Health, that's because our team of professionals...

19 April, 2022|
hojas hojas

¡Todos podemos cuidar las aguas!:

-Communications equipment

Manizales / Productos Naturales Doctor Rojas “El 80% de las aguas residuales retornan al ecosistema sin ser tratadas o reutilizadas”, mucho menos cuidadas, advirtió en el 2017 la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco). En eso tienen qué ver las aguas que quedan de la actividad industrial, las urbanas y las domésticas, en las que cada quien puede aportar para aminorar el impacto en este valioso recurso, del que nos…

5 April, 2022|
hojas hojas

De las bondades de la vitamina E y el selenio:

-Equipo Doctor Rojas

Manizales / Productos Naturales Doctor Rojas Equipo de comunicaciones La vitamina E y el selenio, cada uno por separado, resultan fundamentales para la buena salud. Pero encontrarlos juntos, aparte de bueno, es un excelente apoyo para distintos procesos corporales. Yesica Rojas Cáceres, ingeniera química de Productos Naturales Doctor Rojas, habló de estos dos componentes que se pueden encontrar en el último de sus desarrollos: Vitamina E + Selenio – Suplemento dietario. “Desde la parte de investigación y desarrollo…


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